The 29th French-Japanese Symposium on Medical and Fine Chemistry
Abstract Submission / Registration

Make a New Account

Please fill in your Personal Information below; (*required Items)

Personal Information
: : :
If you use special characters such as umlaut or accent mark to your name, please refer and add it from below lists.
<< Tag List / Special Character List / Frequently Used Special Characters >>
Contact Address
If you use special characters such as umlaut or accent mark to your affiliation, please refer and add it from below lists.
<< Tag List / Special Character List / Frequently Used Special Characters >>
Selections about your schedule during the conference*
Please fill in your updated information below by April 10(Thu), 2025.
Please note that any changes after the deadline will not reflected.
* Free of charge for all participants.
Welcome Reception: Night, May 18, 2025*

Mixer at poster session: Night, May 19, 2025*

Excursion to Matsushima and Banquet Party: Afternoon, May 20, 2025*

Lunch: Lunch (Bento) Box will be served. Please inform your necessity.*

*If you do not answer the above by the deadline, you may not able to have a lunch box during the conference.
Dietary restriction and food allergies*

ID(E-mail address), Password
* Enter your E-mail address as your ID.
* Enter your E-mail address again for confirmation.
* Enter password using alphabet and numbers (between 4 and 10 characters).
* Enter password again for confirmation.