第95回日本細菌学会総会 参加登録
JSB2022 Online Registration Form

アカウント作成/Create an account

Please fill in the following information and proceed to the confirmation page. (*Required)

登録者情報/Registrant information
例)細菌/ex. Smith
例)太郎/ex. John
*For non-Japanese: Please fill in your name in the alphabet again.
例)さいきん/ex. Smith
例)たろう/ex. John
If you are a member, please input your membership number.
If you forgot your membership number, please contact the society secretariat (gakkai23@kokuhoken.or.jp).
If you are in the process of applying for membership, please input "9999".
Company news from the meeting secretariat

所属先・連絡先/Affiliation・Contact information
例)日本細菌大学細菌学部/ex. Department of Bacteriology, Japan University
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※半角で入力 例)123-4567
※全角で入力、数字は半角で入力 例)東京都千代田区一ツ橋1-1-1
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※半角で入力 例)012-345-6789
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※半角で入力 例)012-345-6789
*Your e-mail address will be your ID. Please make sure to input it correctly.
*Please input it again directly for confirmation.
*Please input alphanumeric characters (between 4 and 10 characters).
*Please input it again directly for confirmation.